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Did you create your business website to generate more leads? But what if your sales begin to decline?

Your website’s design might be the problem!
A well-designed website has the power to convert your struggle into success. According to a study:
“75% of visitors trust the website’s reliability because of its web design, 38% of users quit engaging with your website if they don’t find it attractive, and 89% stop shopping after a bad user experience.”
This concludes that your competitors may benefit from you if your clients face a bad user experience. However, understanding how a website’s design influences the user experience might increase your company’s revenues.
Here are some of the facts explaining how a modern website design might help a business in increasing sales: better-qualified leads, more conversions, and a higher customer lifetime value.

How can Web Design Increase your Sales?

According to recent research, it has been confirmed that 48% of users think that a website design is a major factor in determining the credibility of a website.
Following are some of the ways that will help you to get a better web design and drive more business.

Design Trends

Firstly, it is very important to research the market and see the trending web designs that your competitors are using. This will help you get a clear idea that which types of designs are in demand these days and meet the industry standards as well. Moreover, it is better to align your web design according to your website content.

Easy Navigation

One of the simplest ways to boost online sales is to make it quick and simple for clients to locate the products using straightforward navigation. It is better to create a search bar at the top of the website making it easy for the consumers to explore the products or services.


It was reported that 48.2% of all internet traffic globally came from mobile devices in 2018 whereas this figure rose to 62% in 2020. Nowadays people prefer using the website on their phones which makes it compulsory for any website owner to make their website mobile friendly.

Quality Coding

Your website code is very important because it makes a significant difference in how quickly your site loads. Not only this but your website’s quality is dependent on the code quality that you use. Therefore, make sure that you don’t compromise on the code quality if you want to give the best user experience to your customers.


In case you want to share some important stats and content with your users, try adding infographics to your site. Your readers will find it was easy to comprehend infographics than to read a whole page. This will not only save their time but also increase the engagement ratio on your website.

Fonts & Colors

It might be challenging to choose color combinations and fonts from the countless available choices. Although you may find many colors appealing, your users may find them too much to handle. Thus, it is suggested to use simple yet attractive colors and fonts to give your users a colorful experience.

What’s Next?

You might have heard that the first impression is the last. Users make an opinion about your company based on the web design. There are numerous ways to look your web design appealing to enhance your online sales. The best advice is to work with a website design company like Softigh which can help you provide the best web design services.
Visit our website to see what our clients have to say about us. Connect with us and get a chance to increase your sales by 75%.

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